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Our Educational Programs

Why Join? 

Understanding one’s own design can have many benefits. Just some of these include:


  • Having the knowledge to understand your body’s language

  • Having the tools to deal with imbalances in a self-sufficient manner

  • Being able to care for yourself and your family in times of need

  • A heightened awareness of your design and how to care for it eliminates the worries present without the appropriate knowledge

  • Being able to involve yourself in and contribute to the well-being of your community

  • The availability of educational opportunities within the field

  • The availability of career opportunities within the field

  • An elaborate and ongoing support and guidance system for both students and professionals

  • Meeting like-minded individuals

  • Most importantly, the return to health

Dating Coach

Advocate program:


Duration of the course: 2 days (10 hours) 


This program is design for those who are interested in our approach but are not yet ready to commit to a full program. If you are supportive of the method, but aren’t quite ready to commit to a full program, you can take this speedy course and learn about the method and the practice at an introductory level. This course allows you to: 


  • Gain fundamental knowledge about well-being, the management of health, the ins and outs of a wellness practice and more.  


  • Become a representative of Omniremedial and share the message at conferences, events, schools, and so on; 


  • Become an official distributor of the method: you can partake in widening our reach and receive rewards for your work;  


  • Continue to study on our other tracks at a more convenient time using the credits you gained in this course

Personal-Use Program:


Duration of the course: 2 days (10 hours) 


This program is design for those who are interested in our approach but are not yet ready to commit to a full program. If you are supportive of the method, but aren’t quite ready to commit to a full program, you can take this speedy course and learn about the method and the practice at an introductory level. This course allows you to: 


  • Gain fundamental knowledge about well-being, the management of health, the ins and outs of a wellness practice and more.  


  • Become a representative of Omniremedial and share the message at conferences, events, schools, and so on; 


  • Become an official distributor of the method: you can partake in widening our reach and receive rewards for your work;  


  • Continue to study on our other tracks at a more convenient time using the credits you gained in this course; â€‹

Working Outdoors
Family Time

Family-use Track   


This program is designed for those who are interested in gaining knowledge for the care of their families and loved ones;  

This track offers all of the information provided in the personal-use track, as well as additional knowledge about addressing acute imbalances in children, navigating through the health-care system as a parent, and more.  


What you gain from this course: 


  • All of the knowledge offered in the Personal-use track;  


  • The ability to become fully equipped to handle most acute imbalances any of your family members might encounter; you will be a self-sufficient parent 


  • The knowledge necessary to make educated decisions regarding the well-being of your family;  


  • A network of people in similar situations, facing similar obstacles and seeking self-sufficiency in the care of their families  


  • Credits to use in further courses if you wish to continue your studies at a later time  

Acute Care Professional Track 


This program is designed to equip you with all the necessary knowledge not only to care for yourself and your family, but also to be able to handle the responsibility of managing the health of others within the framework of acute conditions, as well as the necessary tools to build a successful wellness business. This course is a good beginning for those interested in becoming fully-fledged professionals, but who aren’t yet ready for the full-length programs necessary for addressing more serious conditions.  


Support Group

What you gain from this course: 


  • All of the knowledge provided in the previous courses;  


  • Extensive information relating to dealing with a vast range of acute conditions; 


  • Business skills necessary to build your own wellness practice from scratch; 


  • A community of like-minded people; 


  • Ongoing learning support through workshops, additional classes, etc. 


  •  The support, advice and knowledge of an experienced and successful wellness practitioner  


  • The prospect of meeting potential colleagues and business partners  


  • The tools necessary to not only be able to manage your own health, but also to be a member of society capable of providing essential care to others; 


  • The prospect of a successful career in the wellness field; 


  • The credits necessary to continue learning in our more extensive study tracks  

Our Interns:

Students who have completed methodological and theoretical training become eligible to practically apply their skills through our Acute Internship program. Currently, our group of interns consists of : 


- Janet Andrews 

- Janet Remus 

- Olivia Palubski 

- Rachelle Deault 

- Sara Dryka 

- Dana O'Brien 

- Jennifer Grundner 

- Emma DeWaal 

- Chrysie Hunter 


All of our interns are eligible to manage acute cases under the supervision of founder, Olga Imas.

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